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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability


For admission to the Master Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability a student has to comply with both curricular and personal preparation requirements. The compliance with aforementioned requirements will be verified by a Commission appointed by the Council of Industrial Engineering Degrees (i.e. Consiglio Unico dei Corsi di Studio di Area Industriale), which will release a clearance for the enrollment.


To satisfy the curricular requirements the student must hold a Bachelor Degree in one of the following Italian Bachelor Classes, i.e. engineering areas (or an equivalent degree awarded abroad):

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (L-7 Class)
  • Information Engineering (L-8 Class)
  • Industrial Engineering (L-9 Class)



For the verification of personal preparation requirements the Commission will call you up for an interview. The interview will cover subjects related to mechanical design, applied mechanics, industrial design, machines, and energy systems.


For EU citizens, as well as those who have obtained the required qualification for admission to the Master’s degree at an institution located in European Union countries (including Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the Republic of San Marino, Vatican City, and the United Kingdom, collectively referred to as "affiliated countries"), the adequacy of personal preparation will be verified through an oral examination conducted by the dedicated Commission. These candidates are exempt from the oral examination if they meet one of the following conditions:

  • They hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Class L-9 (or an equivalent qualification obtained from an institution located in an EU or affiliated country) with a minimum graduation grade of 102/110 if they graduated on time, or 105/110 if they graduated one year late (or with grades deemed equivalent by the Commission). When assessing the duration of the academic career, any years attended as a part-time student will be taken into account.
  • They have an academic curriculum that includes a sufficient number of credits in courses related to the aforementioned subjects.


For applicants who have obtained the required qualification for admission to the Master's degree from an institution outside the European Union or affiliated countries, their preparation will be assessed based on both the following conditions:

  • The final grade obtained in their degree or, if no final grade is indicated, the weighted average of exam grades, which must exceed a specified threshold. These threshold values are reported here.
  • The presence of an adequate number of exams covering mechanical design, applied mechanics, industrial design, machinery, and energy systems.


Applicants must also hold at least a B2 certification for English language in reading and listening, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Certification must have been awarded no later than 5 years prior to the enrollment date by the Language Centre of the University of Florence (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - CLA) or by other internationally recognized organizations. The certificate is not required in case of previous academic degree in English language, or in case the applicant is a native English speaker.

At the official Language center of the University of Florence (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - CLA), the applicant can test knowledge in English Language and acquire the requested certificate. To have access to B2 level English laboratories and/or test sessions, the applicant has to present the official document issued by the Council of Industrial Engineering Degrees stating the need to acquire a B2 level of English language for the enrollment.


The clearance for the enrollment can be requested according to the following procedure:

  1. if you hold an Italian Bachelor Degree, you should:

    i) fill-in the form "Application for the assessment (doc; pdf)";
    ii) send the form to the Course Administration Office (Segreteria Didattica dei Corsi di Laurea) at strudida(AT)
  2. if you are a non-EU or an EU citizen holding a bachelor’s degree obtained outside Italy and you wish to apply for admission to master programs offered by the University of Florence, please follow the instructions of the online portal for master’s applications.

Dates and Deadlines for enrollment of the academic year 2025/2026 are reported below (see Manifesto degli Studi for details).


last update: 17-Mar-2025
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